IVF Nutrition Plan

Should I consider an IVF nutrition plan

When you’re considering or undertaking IVF nutrition is really important for your chances of success.

Keeping it balanced

A healthy balanced diet includes fresh foods from each of five food groups, and we mean ‘fresh’. Processed, frozen or even overcooked foods don’t offer the full benefit of the vitamins and minerals that ‘fresh’ foods provide.  


Before/during/after IVF treatment eat as much as 8-10 servings of fruit and veg a day to ensure you get the optimum amount of trace vitamins and minerals especially Vitamin C, D & E, Folic acid, Calcium and Magnesium.

Avocados, dark leafy greens, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, berries, bananas, pomegranates and oranges  are all great foods to include – add a handful of unsalted nuts (brazil / almond) and unsweetened dried fruits.

Protein is important for IVF Patients

Studies suggest that a high protein diet increases IVF treatment success, but this isn’t conclusive. However, eating the right kinds of proteins will help you to maintain a healthy balance. Avoid too much fat here and choose chicken and fish over red meat. If you’re vegetarian ensure you eat additional greens and beans.

A balanced diet is always important

Fresh milk, cheese and eggs are all very good…in moderation. Watch cholesterol levels from too many eggs and choose reduced fat milk and cheese. Remember it’s the calcium that’s important here.

Man cannot live on bread alone

Oats provide low-fat, slow release energy and are an excellent breakfast choice. Choose whole grain pastas, rice and bread over heavily processed alternatives as this adds extra fibre too.

Just juice?

Above all else, pay attention to your hydration – a minimum of 2 litres of water per day is recommended. Limit caffeine to a minimum and avoid alcohol  as much as possible – though the occasional glass of quality red wine with a meal won’t do any harm.

It’s always wise to consult with an IVF nutrition specialist, contact us for more information.